commissions - (don’t forget to check the listen and works tab to get an idea of what my music can sound like)

Do you want an original piece written for you, a friend, or a loved one? (levels of collaboration can vary)

Does you or your ensemble need new music for a concert or event?

Is there a special event coming up that you would like to commemorate with new music?

Do you want to collaborate on a new piece that is tailored specifically to you or your ensemble’s talents?

Do you need original music for a video?

Does your brand/business need a jingle or original music for branding purposes? (packages available)

Do you want to add more to your content creation with original music? (packages available)

arranging and editing

Do you need something arranged, edited, or proofread? (flex ensembles included)

Is there a piece of mine you’ve heard and want arranged for your instrument?

Do you have old or handwritten music you want engraved with notation software?

Do you want to learn how to use notation software?

Do you want to learn how to arrange on your own?

online composition lessons - [PDF] Brief teaching philosophy

Do you or a loved one want to learn how to write music? (all age levels - no experience needed)

Do you have a composition/track/song you want critical feedback and suggestions on?

Do you play an instrument and want to try your hand at writing music but need some help getting started?

Do you want to build a portfolio to submit for auditions for college or want help with the audition process?

online saxophone lessons - [PDF] Brief teaching philosophy

Are you looking for a saxophone teacher with flexible hours?

Are you wondering about the audition process for universities and need help preparing?

Does your saxophone section sound like dying animals and need help?

Do you have something worked up or a recording that you’d like a critical pair of ears to listen to?

Does your ensemble want a coaching from an outside perspective?

online music tutoring - [PDF] Brief teaching philosophy

Are you struggling or have questions about music theory, history, orchestration, or other musical topics and need some extra guidance? (through undergrad level)

Do you want to learn many unique tools to analyze music and apply that knowledge to make more informed musical decisions?

Are you in middle school, high school, or even undergrad, thinking about going to (more) school for music, and have questions about the application/audition process and general college requirements, or available careers in music?


Do you want a personalized composer residency at your school, institution or with your chamber ensemble?

Do you need a chamber ensemble to play at an event or record a reading of a piece/section of music?

Do you want to write for a trio of saxophone, clarinet, and trumpet?

Do you want to write for reed quintet?

Do you want to collaborate on an interdisciplinary venture where you need music?

All pricing is done on a project by project basis after discussing service needs & timeline.

For any inquiries not listed above, or just to say hi, feel free to send a message: